It’s time to meet the team behind Critical Moves. What started as a fleeting idea between two people quickly evolved into a fully-fledged team of strategy gamers, each bringing their own unique perspectives to the table. We realised at the start of this project that it wouldn’t be complete unless we could bring together a diverse range of voices to reflect the complexity and depth of strategy gaming. So we opened up our search to the community, got far more interest than we expected, and assembled the eclectic team that now makes up Critical Moves.
Our hosts – Nuno, Timothy, Al, Joe and Shane – come from different backgrounds, spanning two continents, four countries, and as many time zones. Organising a schedule across those time differences has definitely been a puzzle – it would be easier to herd cats – but it’s a puzzle we’re more than willing to solve. Between us, we have decades of gaming experience, spanning everything from real-time strategy and turn-based tactics to deep 4X games and beyond. Its an interesting set up, so expect thoughtful, engaging discussions each week.
What sets us apart other than being mad enough to take on this challenge? None of us claim to be experts, and that’s exactly how we like it. We approach it episode with curiosity and a willingness to learn. We won’t always agree, and that’s totally okay. Each host has their own favourite style of strategy gaming, and you can expect plenty of different opinions, debates, and insights along the way. Whether we’re diving into the latest releases, discussing classic titles, or exploring new trends in strategy gaming, we’re here to challenge each other and offer something fresh for listeners.
Who are the people behind Critical Moves? Let’s meet the team:

The brain-child behind Critical Moves, Nuno has been involved in the strategy gaming arena since he first fired up Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings on a Pentium 4 supercomputer back in 1999. This proved to be the catalyst for a love affair with strategy games lasting a quarter of a century. Nuno recalls with misty-eyed fondness receiving the World War II shooter, Medal of Honor: Allied Assault back in 2002 which opened him up to the historical events behind the games he played. A young Nuno soon found himself hooked on the point of obsession, devouring every book, magazine, and library resource on World War II he could get his hands on, a passion that still fuels him to this day.
Nuno hails from the streets of foggy Porto in Portugal, a lesser-known Spanish province, and he has no desire to leave with the cold mornings and misty nights providing the perfect atmosphere for a house-dwelling wargamer and book-guzzling historian. In between Critical Moves and his imaginatively entitled Strategy and Wargaming website, strategyandwargaming.com, Nuno works as a communications manager for a major retailer. This funds his other obsessions; mechanical keyboards, history books, body-building, even more history books, and his cat, Oli (It’s widely reported that Oli is actually the brains behind the operation).
A voracious strategy gamer, and self-proclaimed World War II expert, Nuno is the driving force behind Critical Moves. He brings his sparkling wit and outgoing personality to proceedings, the perfect counter-weight to his grumpy, sarcastic co-host. Though, he might not admit it, Nuno is equally as likely to be lost in thought about a historical battle, virtual or not, as he is fine-tuning his latest squat technique.

Joe brings a wealth of gaming experience and academic depth to the Critical Moves podcast. A university psychology professor with a PhD in Educational Leadership, his background in understanding human behaviour and cognition adds a unique layer to his insights into strategy gaming. Joe has a way of breaking down complex gameplay mechanics and decision-making processes in a way that few can. With nearly three decades of experience in both real-time and turn-based strategy games, Joe’s perspective is both analytical and inspired.
As one of the co-hosts on Critical Moves, Joe offers thoughtful, research-backed insights into how and why players engage with certain strategies and systems. His approach is rooted in a deep love for dissecting games, always seeking to understand the motivations behind game design and player behaviour. His ability to blend his academic knowledge with his gaming expertise gives listeners a well-rounded, intellectually engaging experience.
Joe faces the juggling act of fatherhood, his gaming hobby, and academic career with a calm and insightful demeanour. His wealth of experience make him an asset to the Critical Moves team, as he continues to share his love for both games and psychology with the audience.

Al is one of the co-hosts of Critical Moves Podcast and has been playing videogames since the days of floppy discs. He remembers the dark times before the internet, when multiplayer meant hot-seating around the same screen, and game guides came in the form of thick manuals or tips from friends at school. His first strategy games were classic in the genre – and he’s not smug about it at all. These introduced young Al to the concepts of strategy, resource management, and tactical warfare, sparking a lifelong love for complex decision-making and large-scale battles in the gaming world.
Now, more years later than he cares to acknowledge, Al runs a series of websites dedicated to strategy gaming. RTS HQ is a new project dedicated to real-time strategy, and you can probably guess what Classic Strategy Games is all about. Critical Moves came about after linking in with Nuno and discovering a kindred spirit; someone equally at home geeking out about strategy games.
When not conquering virtual words, writing about conquering virtual words, or building pretty websites, Al enjoys science fiction, binge-watching TV series, reading a mix of (science) fiction and history books, and has been promising to get out running again for several months. He’s a full-time father of three boys, works a full-time job in the public sector, and still manages to squeeze in time for the odd cinema visit or trip to the pub.
He’s sarcastic, a bit grumpy, and maybe thinks he’s funnier than he actually is. Al is responsible for the majority of the back-end stuff you don’t see on Critical Moves Podcast, and while he claims to be perpetually exhausted, he’s still got enough energy to keep pushing buttons—both in games and in life.

Loud and outspoken, Timothy doesn’t shy away from making his opinions heard, especially on the subject of strategy gaming. His voice carries a deep passion for dissecting and debating the intricacies of his favourite gaming genre. Whether its an intense multiplayer real-time strategy game or a deep dive into the complex systems and structures which make gaming fun, Timothy thrives in a battle of wits.
His appreciation for strategy games is broad and all-encompassing. He enjoys everything from detailed simulations to turn-based epics, but his true love is RTS. His enthusiasm for gaming and strategic thinking doesn’t end with video games. Timothy is an avid board game devotee and voracious reader of books on the subject.
As part of the Game Design Team for the RTS Beyond All Reason, Timothy brings his analytical mind to bear on the development process. He is deeply involved behind the scenes, constantly exploring “what makes games fun,” and contributing his insights to make the game more engaging.
Outside of the virtual worlds which form his playground, Timothy is an experienced traveller who have backpacked around the world, visiting most continents. His adventures have taken him across the globe, to new cultures, people and experiences. Currently a resident of Krakow, Poland, at the ripe old age of 34, Timothy is ready for his next challenge with Critical Moves.

Shane brings a wealth of experience and insight to the world of strategy gaming, with a deep affinity for turn-based strategy games like War in the Pacific. Having played strategy games for nearly 30 years, his love for complex, thoughtful gameplay has earned him a dedicated following, with over 8,400 YouTube subscribers and a Discord community of more than 800 members. Shane’s dedication to the genre is matched by his desire to contribute meaningfully, offering exposure and valuable insights into the podcast world.
Though his expertise lies in turn-based strategies, Shane’s experience spans both RTS and other strategic genres, giving him a well-rounded perspective that resonates with gamers. He takes pride in adding value, whether as a guest on a podcast or in brainstorming fresh ideas. His background in the military has instilled a disciplined approach to his gaming, and as a single dad with two kids and a busy schedule, he knows how to balance his commitments with his passion for the gaming community.
A California resident, Shane faces the region’s relentless heat with humour, but he’s always ready to dive into meaningful discussions—particularly when they involve making the world a bit better through the art of good conversation and podcasting. His grounded perspective and experience make him a perfect fit for Critical Moves as he steps into his new role, ready to bring his seasoned knowledge and unique voice to the strategy gaming scene.

Brian is the audio engineer and editor for Critical Moves. A lifelong fan of radio, he found podcasting to be a more practical way to pursue his love of sound engineering. When he’s not fine-tuning the audio for Critical Moves, Brian dives deep into his passion for strategy games with titles like Total War, Crusader Kings 2, and Warno his current obsessions. Despite his deep love for tactical perfection, Brian admits a tendency to allow personal grudges get the better of him, derailing his carefully crafted campaigns.—after all, rebellions must be crushed, even if it’s not the most efficient path to victory.
A true history buff at heart, Brian’s interests range from the Bronze Age to the U.S. Civil War, with a particular fascination for naval combat and the silent, stealthy, underwater warfare of submarines. If you ever meet Brian, steer clear of bringing up The Hunt for Red October unless you’re prepared for a lengthy, enthusiastic conversation—he practically lives and breathes that movie.
When he’s not immersed in waveforms or commanding virtual fleets and armies, Brian employs his talents as a design engineer, enjoys getting lost in books, and enjoys hanging out with his dog, Romy. While he might not claim to be an expert strategist or audio wizard, he’s always up for the next challenge—whether it’s nailing that perfect sound mix or reclaiming his in-game empire from the clutches of rebellion.