Logistical Challenges

Perhaps ‘logistics’ isn’t the right word, but one thing I have found as we go about planning our first episode is the struggle of getting everyone together at the same time. Our team of five gamers are spread across four different time zones, with Timothy at one end of the spectrum at GMT+1 and Shane at the other end in GMT-8. We have an, at most, nine hour time difference between us.

This presents some real challenges; mainly when it comes to recording times. We don’t want EU-based team members up too late, and we don’t want US-based team members up too early. We’re all grown ups with real jobs, real families and real commitments. Trying to find a ‘sweet spot’ in time when everyone is available is going to be an ongoing challenge.

We’re trying to keep things very flexible in terms of recording schedule. We can’t afford to be inflexible with this project, not when we’re spread all over the world. But I think that the challenge is worth overcoming. Between us we have decades of gaming experience and diverse backgrounds, interests and opinions. It might be a headache to make it work, but when it does (and it will!) it’s gonna be epic.


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