We quickly went from two hosts to a team of five. This would have worked fine as a two man show but it was important to us that we feature an eclectic spread of voices and opinions. Shortly after deciding to start a podcast about strategy gaming we started a search for others to join us. The exact format wasn’t decided and the exact number of co-hosts wasn’t decided either. Would it be one extra or ten? (okay, not ten)
The above was posted across a few strategy gaming subreddits and the bites started rolling in. I wasn’t sure if anyone would be interested, but in the end I fielded questions from about a dozen interested people. If anything this gave me some idea that we might actually be able to make this a success. If people were interested in taking part, wouldn’t people be interested in listening? Maybe.
We did interviews with some of the interested people and in the end invited three to join us. Tim, Joe and Shane are joining Nuno and Al as part of Critical Moves.
This is a joint venture. That was an important part of the message to everyone who was interested. We were looking for people who would be interested in being a part of this right from the start. Before we had a plan, before we had a structure, before we had a single thing recorded. In fact, all we had was a name.
And now we have a team!
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