A Strategy Gaming Podcast

We were recently contacted by Brian, who highlighted – perhaps unintentionally – just how unprepared we were for the technical requirements of recording and launching a podcast. Brian is an experienced sound engineer and podcast producer. He’s also a massive fan of strategy gaming! Brian has agreed to come on-board the project and is out sixth team member. His contributions are possibly going to be the most crucial to a quality ‘cast. We now have a sound engineer to do...
We have confirmed the cover art for our show! This bold, professional look represents the precision, planning, and strategic depth that our discussions bring to the table. Featuring our custom logo over a dark, moody background, the cover hints at the complexity and intrigue that strategy gaming offers. This cover art also tells you what our release schedule is going to be. New episodes every Friday! Join us as we explore classic and modern strategy games, break down tactics, and...
A little bit of imposter syndrome is kicking in now. Am I really doing this? Will people want to listen to what we have to say? Self-doubt is a real bitch. As we stand on the cusp of recording and releasing our first episode, as I try to organise planning, scheduling, researching, recording I occasionally feel like this is for people with far more experience and far more talent. I’m planning to broadcast my voice and opinions to the world....
After lots of behind-the-scenes discussion we have set a date for the release of the first Critical Moves Podcast Episode. Of course, this might change. We’re still thrashing out the details and checking on the availability of everyone. I discussed previously the challenges facing us due to being spread across five time zones. We still have loads to do, lots of different tasks to take care of, but if all goes well the first episode will go live on… **DRUMROLL**...
Tonight we held a planning meeting to discuss what we should cover for our first episode. It was great to be able to voice chat with the guys. Usually it’s Discord chat messages but I think you get a lot out of actually talking to people. I read something once from Albert Mehrabian that said the words you use only form a small percentage of communication; it was about 7% if I recall correctly. There are other factors such as...
Perhaps ‘logistics’ isn’t the right word, but one thing I have found as we go about planning our first episode is the struggle of getting everyone together at the same time. Our team of five gamers are spread across four different time zones, with Timothy at one end of the spectrum at GMT+1 and Shane at the other end in GMT-8. We have an, at most, nine hour time difference between us. This presents some real challenges; mainly when it...
We quickly went from two hosts to a team of five. This would have worked fine as a two man show but it was important to us that we feature an eclectic spread of voices and opinions. Shortly after deciding to start a podcast about strategy gaming we started a search for others to join us. The exact format wasn’t decided and the exact number of co-hosts wasn’t decided either. Would it be one extra or ten? (okay, not ten)...
I thought it might be a good idea to chart the developmental progress of Critical Moves on a couple of blog posts. For those who may be interested in understanding how such a thing comes about. I’ll start by saying, “it was kinda an accident.” In fact, I don’t exactly remember how it came about. I emailed Nuno at Strategy and Wargaming after starting RTS HQ. My intention was to maybe do some link exchanges or something along those lines....